Quality Evaluation and Customer Satisfaction

The Salzburg AG is the leading mobility provider in the city of Salzburg. Bus services are provided in cooperation with private operators. Within the scope of quality control, test customers measure the quality of the services provided on a regular basis and the approval levels of passengers concerning bus operations.

The data is processed and transferred to the client on a monthly basis using a database system developed by PB CONSULT. Survey contents are measurements of the vehicle quality and the operating staff as well as customer satisfaction.

The project comprises the conception, performance and evaluation of these both open and hidden tests and surveys in the city area of Salzburg. The tests have been performed continuously since 2019. The evaluation of the results and the approach are reviewed on a regular basis. The results of the quality evaluation are used to determine the status quo of the service provision, as an internal review tool to identify the strengths and weaknesses and as an instrument to establish potentials for optimisation.


  • Conception of the survey
  • Planning and implementation of assignments
  • Result review and transfer to the Salzburg AG


Salzburg AG

Salzburg AG