Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

We create mobility plans that enable sustainable and efficient mobility in a city or region (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan - SUMP). They serve as guidelines for the design of the transport and mobility system. In close dialogue with those responsible and citizens, we develop guiding principles and goals for a people-friendly city in appropriate participation formats. These guiding principles give rise to measures and strategies for the expansion of public transport, the promotion of cycling and walking, the expansion of sharing systems, the implementation of traffic control systems, the regulation of motorised private transport and the communication of the mobility turnaround. The aim of our mobility concepts is to design existing private and public spaces in a way that is effective, needs-based and at the same time as environmentally and socially orientated as possible. We also develop a customised evaluation concept to support the implementation and monitoring of the measures.


  • Basic assessment and status quo analysis with regard to all modes of transport

  • Analysing opportunities and shortcomings

  • Development of guiding principles and strategic goals

  • Development of concrete measures for all modes of transport

  • Creation of integrated action plans and implementation concepts

  • Creation of evaluation concepts with individual indicators

  • Stakeholder participation

  • Public participation

  • Marketing (social media, online media, print media)

  • Project management



Gemeinde Bubenreuth


Gemeinde Buckenhof


Stadt Fürth


Stadt Lauf an der Pegnitz


Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd


Stadt Treuchtlingen